
August 9, 2024

A collared slave

I have already shared that I earned my collar in January 2019, an important moment in my life which was followed by a celebration in Antwerp. But what next? What happens when switching from the slave mindset into the collared slave one? And indeed, why I made that step in that moment with my Master?
July 16, 2024

Boys and slaves

Both a boy and a slave are identities in the kinky community tied to submission, but with a different mindset for both the submissive and the dominant. In general Doms have a higher expectation of service from the slave, more rigid rules and control on aspects out of the session. But the first difference is that Sir/boy power exchange is around authority, whereas Master/slave approach is around ownership.
August 29, 2022

Compatible attitudes

When I think of the commonalities of the best BDSM and fisting sessions I’ve had, I realise it was not about the country of origin, the wealthiness, being introvert or a social butterfly, or the age. What they had in common were a few attitudes, that made those sessions memorable.